There it comes to finance, credit, and the like, there are many scams online that prey upon the desperation of people that are in financial need. It’s crazy, to say the least, and a simple google search on topics such as payday loans yields some interesting results to say the least. If you were to take what everyone says on websites seriously, you would think that there are just millions of dollars laying around ready to be loaned to anyone and everyone that breathes. Not so fast. Hopefully, you’re one of those people that likes to keep things “real”, aren’t you? Well, I am and that’s what I’m going to be talking about in this article – keeping things real when you’re deciding on the payday loan site that you’re going to use. First, let’s get a few issues out of the way on the topic of these payday loan sites… 1) You have to have a job. There’s no way around this. Some will claim that you can get by being on disability, social security, or other income. That may...
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