Many people don’t think that it’s possible to pay off loans and mortgages until they’re in their 50s or even after they retire, but it’s completely possible to become mortgage-free in your golden years. Paying off your mortgage in your 40s lets you save the money you’ll earn later for a retirement account, letting you enjoy life more as you advance in age. There are many real-life stories online shared by people who were able to repay their 30-year mortgages in less than 10 years, letting them save thousands of pounds in interest. These people now have an opportunity to achieve other goals, such as investing in other properties, set aside money for their kids’ college tuition fees, and even travel the world. A lot of work–and sacrifice The moment you get a taste of earning money, you also put yourself in a situation where you’ll be tempted to spend on a lot of things, including those you don’t need. This is how you find yourself in debt, and to get yourself out of debt you’ll have...
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